Zaina by CtoK

Persian Blue Hand Embroidered Chainstitch Runner Rug

Rs. 8,000

A gorgeous and warm rug, in a unique long style, intricately hand embroidered on a cotton base using colourful woolen threads. The embroidery is done by talented artisans using the Kashmiri chain stitch embroidery. Each of these Kashmiri rugs has around 2,00,000 stitches made by hand and it takes upto two months to complete it.

This lovely rug in Persian green with flowers in various shades of red, pink and orange is inspired by the flowers that abound in the gardens of Kashmir. Because of it's unique style, it can be placed anywhere in your home - for example, next to your bed, or in your dressing area or even your entry hall way. It adds a dash of elegance and a spot of colour to your living space.

All Zaina by CtoK products are handcrafted with love from Kashmir. No two products will be exact replicas as variations are natural to the handcrafting process. 

Size: Available in two sizes - 2 ft x 6 ft and 2 ft x 5 ft 

Material: Cotton and Wool

Care: Dry clean only

Shipping: The product will be packed and dispatched from our office within 3-4 working days. Shipment within India is complimentary.

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